Our litigation lawyers at Di Pietro Partners are filing lawsuits on behalf of hernia mesh patients who have suffered from serious complications caused by defective hernia mesh devices and other errors. Many patients who were treated with a hernia mesh device were never notified that the medical device likely never received full pre-market testing, including tests involving human patients, before it was aggressively marketed to doctors and offered to patients as a sound solution.

In the lawsuit filings we have managed so far, we have helped numerous clients who have suffered from disabling pain, dangerous infection, and additional operations to remove or replace a defective hernia mesh device. If you or a loved one has been affected, we invite you to contact our firm today.

Serious side effects from a failed hernia mesh include:

  • Infections, often with an infectious tract known as a fistula.
  • Mesh migration that erodes into an organ or constricts/perforates an organ.
  • Disabling pain due to the mesh failing to remain properly positioned.
  • Excessive scar tissue known as adhesions.
  • Bowel obstruction or intestinal tract blockages.
  • Mesh loosening and resulting in a recurrent hernia.
  • In men, complications involving testicles, including the need for removal surgery.

Meshes are all made from polypropylene or polyester, but most have a coating unique to that brand or model; a hernia mesh is often used for hernias that occur after incisional surgeries, umbilical surgeries near the bellybutton, and inguinal surgeries near the groin. Different complications are associated with the different meshes, coatings, and surgery locations.

Since surgeons are not obligated to warn clients about hernia mesh product recalls or discovered complications, we have helped clients firsthand learn more about their complications. We have also handled pelvic mesh device lawsuits for years, which involve a medical device that is noticeably similar to a hernia mesh device.

Different Hernia Patch Products

  • Atrium:
    • C-Qur Mesh
  • Bard/Davol:
    • 3D Max
    • Composix Kugel
    • PerFix Plug
    • Sepramesh
    • Ventralex
  • Covidien:
    • Paratex
    • Surgipro
    • Symbotex
  • Ethicon:
    • Physiomesh

Preservation of Evidence

The preservation of a removed hernia mesh device is an important step if you are considering litigation to pursue compensation. Any mesh device removed from your body is your property, and patients like you have the right to tell facilities to preserve the mesh or deliver it to a chosen location.

Some patients want it delivered straight to their homes, and others prefer the evidence be sent directly to their attorneys. You must beware that some doctors will have their patients sign a broad medical release before surgery that allows the doctor or physician to return the mesh to the medical mesh manufacturer without any notice to the patient.

Hernia Mesh Lawsuit and Settlements

This is not a class action where you are piled into a stack of lawsuits with other claimants and given a token settlement or coupon. If our Florida defective medical device attorneys deem your claim to be meritorious and valid, you will have an individual lawsuit personalized to your specific needs and goals. We are not here to boss you around; all decisions are made with you and only you.

Many drug product liability cases evolve into three choices: participate in a settlement plan, mediation, or litigating to a trial. We can educate you based on our prior litigations involving hernia and pelvic mesh settlements. It is important to remember that settlement plans often provide significant recoveries without the delays and expenses associated with trials.

The sooner you act, the sooner you can find peace of mind regarding your claim. Call (800) 712-8462 today and tell our experienced, driven attorneys about your hernia mesh injury today.