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Anti-kickback statutes protect patients from corrupt medical decisions. Laws ensure medical professionals base all care on necessary treatment, not financial gain. In other words, medical professionals may not receive “kickbacks” from any source. A “kickback” is a monetary gain. Examples may include: referrals, prescriptions, testing, or rental discounts. Basically, a healthcare provider must provide care…

Paying Doctors in Florida for Referrals Healthcare referrals remain a vital part of ensuring top notch patient care. Many times patients require the expertise of a specialist. For example, recurring abdominal pain may require a consultation with a gastroenterologist. When referrals serve legitimate, diagnostic purposes there is no problem. However, there are ethical and legal…

As the wellness and beauty industry continues to flourish, medical spas have emerged as a lucrative niche, combining traditional spa treatments with medical-grade services. In Florida, a state renowned for its vibrant senior community and a hot spot for vacationers, med spas have found a welcoming market. These establishments offer a unique way for local…

Acupuncture involves inserting very thin needles into specific points on the body. This ancient Chinese medical practice stimulates the central nervous system which releases chemicals into various parts of the body. These biochemical changes may promote healing and alleviate pain. Acupuncture is a type of alternative medicine. Since this practice falls under the healthcare umbrella,…

Everything You Need To Know About Florida Nurse License Renewal Per Florida Law a certified nurse assistant, or CNA, is required to renew their license every two years in order to maintain compliance with Florida state law. This is a relatively straightforward process for those who have provided CNA services for monetary compensation within the…

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