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The criminal case involving defendant Kyle Rittenhouse has garnered national attention due to the circumstances surrounding the events leading up to the deaths of three individuals participating in demonstrations related to George Floyd. Trial expert David Di Pietro was brought onto Newsmax to discuss the situation involving MSNBC reporters being banned from the courtroom by the presiding Judge Bruce Schroeder. David explained that there were valid concerns expressed regarding reporters from the news network MSNBC following or even possibly interfering with jurors during the case, and that even the defense was pushing for a mistrial for this reason. He also mentioned that the act of jury tampering in the Rittenhouse case is a grievous offense, and is considered a felony in every jurisdiction in the country. Because of this, David stated that Judge Schroeder was justified in barring any further MSNBC presence in the courtroom.

David was requested to appear on Newsmax due to his qualifications and experience in trial litigation and proceedings as well as his expertise in constitutional law.

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