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The split of Jason Sudeikis and Olivia Wilde continues to get messier as a wrongful termination lawsuit has now surfaced surrounding the firing of their former nanny Ericka Genaro. This has sparked a discussion among legal experts as to whether or not Genaro has legal standing for wrongful termination. Genaro claims that she was terminated due to her taking medical leave, while Sudeikis and Wilde claim that their decision to terminate her employment was a result of them no longer feeling comfortable with Genaro around their children due to her personal issues.

As an experienced employment law attorney, David Di Pietro was brought onto Newsmax’s National Report to provide his expertise on the matter. According to David, Genaro has a strong case due to the fact that this case is taking place in California which generally favors employees over employers in wrongful termination suits. David mentioned specifically that the timing of the termination coincided with the plaintiffs medical leave, which goes against the states employment laws discriminating against termination due to medical conditions.

David is a regular contributor to Newsmax due to his position as a subject matter expert on employment law and employment litigation cases throughout the United States.

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